American Crime Story, Better Call Saul, Cine, Deadpool, Game of Thrones, Globos de Oro, Jane the Virgin, Mozart in the Jungle, Mr Robot, Noticias, Outlander, Premios, Ray Donovan, Series, Stranger Things, The Americans, The Crown, The Girlfriend Experience, The Night Manager, The Night Of, The People v OJ Simpson, This Is Us, Transparent, Veep, Westworld
Otro año más, ya tenemos la lista de nominados a los Globos de Oro, los prestigiosos premios que se otorgan en EEUU a las series…

American Crime Story, Archer, Better Call Saul, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Fleabag, Game of Thrones, Homeland, House of Cards, Modern Family, Mr Robot, Noticias, Orphan Black, Outlander, Premios, Ray Donovan, Series, Sherlock, Silicon Valley, Stranger Things, The Affair, The Americans, The Crown, The Good Wife, The Last Man on Earth, The Night Manager, The People v OJ Simpson, The Walking Dead, This Is Us, Transparent, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, UnReal, Veep, Westworld
En USA buscan cualquier excusa para reunirse, darse una fiesta y dar unos cuantos premios; o al menos lo parece, porque cada dos por tres…
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